Sainsburys Bank believes that credit card users are not claiming the rewards being earned through loyalty point schemes, ultimately costing themselves money.
Looking at the last year the Sainsburys Bank study found that, of over 8 million earned rewards on their credit cards. However only 3 million people claimed their rewards. The biggest reason cited for not claiming was that the value of the reward was too small, this being the reason for over 40 percent. Over a quarter of people felt the process to get the rewards took too long and just under a quarter said it was too difficult.
A Sainsburys Bank spokesman suggested that credit card companies should look addressing these issues since both card provider and consumer would both benefit.
An American Express survey has shown that identity theft is more of a worry to people now than many physical attacks.
Over half the people surveyed by American Express worry that they will have their identity used by someone else, with the biggest increase being amongst the 18 to 24 year olds, with the concern up by 8 percent compared with last year. Costing over GBP1.3 billion each year identity theft is a very real crime and as our use of chip and pin cards, the internet and technology increases so do the chances of our personal data being taken.
In reality the risk is relatively low, growing lower still if simple precautions are taken. American Express advise internet users not to provide their details to any sites they do not trust, to shred their documents before disposing of them and to make sure their computers are password protected, and not with either birthday or mothers maiden name, which are by far the most common ones used.
Having looked at the half term travel market Abbey National has found that prices can be as much as 80 percent higher than when the children are in school, meaning credit cards will be used to take some of the strain.
It came as no surprise to find higher holiday costs when the schools are off but 80 percent was quite extreme thought the Abbey National, especially when the economic climate is such that parents are looking to save money where they can, whilst still doing the best for their children. Scottish parents will fare better than their English counterparts thanks to their school holidays being at different times.
Abbey National found that Spain will offer the best value for families and also suggested ways to save money, including booking in advance, finding the best offer on currency or perhaps using a credit card that saves foreign exchange costs.
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