Sainsburys Bank would like credit card deals made easier to understand to help customers find the best option to suit them.
A study carried out by Sainsburys Bank found that over half of credit card holders have access to a reward scheme, though less than a quarter of them have actually claimed any of the rewards. This figure is made worse when it is considered that the number of credit cards offering rewards has gone up to 190, from just over 120 three years ago.
The people who responded to the Sainsburys Bank survey gave the main reason for not claiming rewards on their credit cards as it just not being worth it. Over 40 percent of people claimed that the effort needed to get the reward simply was not worth it.
The changing face of our planet has brought interest in environmental issues very much to the fore, and nowhere more so than in the world of credit cards. Customers are looking to do something for the greater good in every aspect of their life now, which is why there is now a Co-op credit card that helps do just that.
The Co-op Think credit card donates 25 pence from every GBP100 spent to Cool Earth, an environmental charity that works to help regenerate the planet. Also, upon signing up for the card, the Co-op buys half an acre of rain forest in Brazil that will be protected and help manage carbon dioxide.
The Think credit card from the Co-op is also competitive financially, with an Annual Percentage Rate of only 12.9 percent. Ultimately a credit card should best suit financial requirements first, taking care of other matters are secondary. However this new Co-op credit card appears to have both bases covered.
Football supporters are being advised by the Abbey National that credit cards that are affiliated to clubs could cost consumers more than regular cards.
Taking the recent Manchester United versus Chelsea Champions League final as an example, Abbey National found that supporters heading for the match would face foreign exchange fees of between 2.75 and 3 percent on a football club affiliated credit card. The Abbey National credit card charges no fee for foreign exchanges, as well as no fees for balance transfers or cash advances either.
As the Managing Director of Abbey National credit cards said, It can be nice to have a credit card that is associated with your favourite football club, but there are costs associated with them that other cards do not charge.
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