There are many situations where people have to deal with unexpected situations that need to paid for, breakdowns in the home or car for example. However around 7.5 million people in the UK say they need their credit card to cover these problems say the Alliance and Leicester.
With a washing machine costing around GBP300 and a boiler over GBP1,000 such problems can become far larger when there are insufficient funds to cover the costs. Around 25 percent of those surveyed by the Alliance and Leicester said they could not manage anything over GBP100, while around half said GBP500 would be the most they could cover.
These people look to their credit card to cover such costs, though the recent credit problems are making this a little more difficult than before. Alliance and Leicester credit cards or alternatively a regular savings account can help cover these situations and get customers through a difficult situation.
Barclaycard is acknowledged as being the most powerful credit card brand in the UK according to an independent study of the market.
The survey, carried out by the ACG, looked at the number of people having a card, how often it was used, customer thoughts on quality and how the brand is perceived. Having taken all these factors into consideration Barclaycard came out on top, thanks to it being the best known credit card in the country and also the second most used.
A spokesman for ACG, commenting on the results, said that Barclaycard would stand out strongly in the current economic climate since consumers look to the best known names in times of difficulty, feeling that there is less to worry about with a credit card brand they know and trust.
An American Express survey has shown that identity theft is more of a worry to people now than many physical attacks.
Over half the people surveyed by American Express worry that they will have their identity used by someone else, with the biggest increase being amongst the 18 to 24 year olds, with the concern up by 8 percent compared with last year. Costing over GBP1.3 billion each year identity theft is a very real crime and as our use of chip and pin cards, the internet and technology increases so do the chances of our personal data being taken.
In reality the risk is relatively low, growing lower still if simple precautions are taken. American Express advise internet users not to provide their details to any sites they do not trust, to shred their documents before disposing of them and to make sure their computers are password protected, and not with either birthday or mothers maiden name, which are by far the most common ones used.