About Us

Money Gossip is an independent website, our aim is to provide news, reviews and information on a wide and varied range of financial services and products.

The website moneygossip.co.uk is owned and managed by Web Marketing Strategies Ltd.

Nothing within the moneygossip.co.uk website is, or shall be deemed to constitute, financial or any other form of advice or recommendation to purchase any product or service. Any and all information provided within the website is for general information purposes only. We recommend that independent professional advice is obtained before you purchase any financial product and/or service.

Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained within the website is correct and up to date no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy or reliability. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or any loss incurred as a result.

It is often difficult for consumers to know which product to go for with so many financial providers on the market, providing details from many sources, we can help take some of the hassle out of searching for financial products.

Our aim is to provide information from many of the major providers and financial service companies in the market, giving access to comparison tables and so consumers can compare prices and the key features of each product.