The worldwide credit squeeze is beginning to affect UK borrowers now, with holders of MBNA credit cards seeing interest rates climbing.
It seems that MBNA are trying to recover their losses in other markets by really pressing credit card clients, in some instances simply doubling the interest rate payable and then levying additional payments when accounts have got into difficulties.
The bottom line is that banks like MBNA can do whatever they choose with interest rates when they are classed as variable, which all credit cards are. Right now it looks like the UK borrowers are paying for the difficulties in the USA, literally. A typical example is of a lady who had never missed a payment and was what would be categorised as an excellent credit risk. Her rate went up within a couple of months from just under 16 percent to almost 28 percent. Knowing someone has the means to manage their credit and will pay the extra cost is no justification for doing so.
There are many situations where people have to deal with unexpected situations that need to paid for, breakdowns in the home or car for example. However around 7.5 million people in the UK say they need their credit card to cover these problems say the Alliance and Leicester.
With a washing machine costing around GBP300 and a boiler over GBP1,000 such problems can become far larger when there are insufficient funds to cover the costs. Around 25 percent of those surveyed by the Alliance and Leicester said they could not manage anything over GBP100, while around half said GBP500 would be the most they could cover.
These people look to their credit card to cover such costs, though the recent credit problems are making this a little more difficult than before. Alliance and Leicester credit cards or alternatively a regular savings account can help cover these situations and get customers through a difficult situation.
Having looked at the half term travel market Abbey National has found that prices can be as much as 80 percent higher than when the children are in school, meaning credit cards will be used to take some of the strain.
It came as no surprise to find higher holiday costs when the schools are off but 80 percent was quite extreme thought the Abbey National, especially when the economic climate is such that parents are looking to save money where they can, whilst still doing the best for their children. Scottish parents will fare better than their English counterparts thanks to their school holidays being at different times.
Abbey National found that Spain will offer the best value for families and also suggested ways to save money, including booking in advance, finding the best offer on currency or perhaps using a credit card that saves foreign exchange costs.
Compare the Abbey National credit card rate for yourself at