A great gas and electricity tip that could save households more money is to consider paying monthly by direct debit.
Paying your gas and electricity bill by direct debt can save you a small amount of money.
Your bill is estimated depending on your usage and a monthly forecast of your charges is paid monthly. These monthly charges can change depending on your energy usage, and will always try to make sure you have zero credit on your balance. You might find that your monthly payment is a bit higher than if you where just to pay it quarterly. This is because it tries to spread the cost evening over each month, but as you know some months can be more expensive than others, especially winter months.
Scottish Power Gas and Electricity offer cheaper energy prices. See if they can get you cheaper energy bills.
If you would like more gas and electricity tips and information about how to save money when switching your gas and electricity, then you should go to our gas and electricity tips section or our gas and electricity guide section.
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