With an Egg Credit Card you get 0% on purchases until October 2008, 0% on transfers until 1 September 2009 plus 16.9% APR typical variable. The Egg card is one of the best known on the market place. To see more information on the Egg Card just look below:
Egg was set-up in 1996 and is primarily an Internet bank operating in the UK with it’s headquarters in Derby, England providing finance and insurance. Egg use to be called Prudential Banking plc. Egg today is the world's largest Internet bank in that it is only possible to get an Egg account over the Internet. It also employs around 2,200 people and is owned by the Citigroup Plc.
Egg provides savings accounts, credit cards and loans but also offers mortgages and many insurance products too.
Egg Credit Card contact details:
Address: The Wharf, Neville Street , Leeds LS1 4AZ
Phone Number: 0870 024 0095
Website: www.egg.com