With the cost of living in the UK rising at a higher rate than it has for some considerable time the people of the UK are feeling the need to cut back on their spending.
A survey carried out by the Alliance and Leicester found that over half of those surveyed had already started cutting back on spending. One of the most popular steps taken to save money has been to change gas and electric suppliers. Around 20 percent of those surveyed have done this already. Behind that comes sourcing low or zero interest credit cards, enabling people to cut the amount they pay on their borrowings.
There will be more and more people looking at ways to cut back on their spending as costs keep rising, so being aware of areas where savings can be made can only be helpful. As an Alliance and Leicester spokesperson commented, it is sensible to look for the best offer in all areas of living, since a saving is a saving.
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Michael Klein, reported recently to be leaving Citigroup, of which Citibank is a part, is set to receive one of the largest payouts in the industry for a departing executive since the credit crunch started.
It is understood that Mr Klein will receive a settlement package from Citibank worth over USD42 million, made up of stocks and cash, with the proviso that he does not join a rival organisation before next October. The amount may cause consternation for the company since it sits uncomfortably with the position of banks and financial institutions saying they are struggling.
Citibank has seen many changes in recent months, with a new management structure now in place to try and steer the business back into profitability and financial stability following heavy losses on the back of the US sub-prime lending collapse.
Citibank has revealed that it intends to reduce its portfolio having suffered at the hands of the sub prime lending difficulties in the USA.
Of all the financial institutions to suffer over the American mortgage problems Citibank felt the pain more than any other. The sub prime area of lending is one that they were heavily involved in. Due to this they are to sell around 20 percent of their assets over the next couple of years, worth around USD400 billion.
They have already announced the areas of business where the cuts will be made, namely consumer banking and securities banking. Citibank has stated it has an objective of generating revenue growth of 10 percent within 36 months, and these cuts are part of their plan. By freeing up resources they can focus more on the areas where growth can be achieved whilst reducing their exposure to potentially difficult markets.