82 percent of households in Britain are changing their behaviour in response to rising costs and future economic concerns say Legal and General.
With Summer holidays topical right now it is revealing to see that over a quarter of households have changed their holiday plans because of their uncertainty about the future. Lots of people have also cut down on how often they go out, with nearly 40 percent of people saying they now spend more time at home.
One of the biggest concerns from the Legal and General survey was the fact that about half the households spoken to are cutting back on food in order to manage their finances, with over a quarter of them also looking at selling possessions in order to manage. Lets hope the government sees the survey and does something about it, starting with fuel taxation, something that affects the cost of everything in the UK.
The new management team at Northern Rock is looking into whether they can take legal action against the previous board that led the bank into such difficulties last year.
At the moment the matter is in the hands of lawyers acting on behalf of Northern Rock who are in the process of looking into the situation to determine what can be done. Only after their analysis is complete will there be any decision made on pursuing the matter through the courts.
Elsewhere at Northern Rock the bank is aiming to increase the debt collection part of its business by well over 100 percent as they plan for the financial difficulties that may face their customers in the future. There are currently around 170 people in this particular department though that number will be closer to 450 after the extra staff have been brought on board.
According to the latest survey by Lloyds TSB confidence in job prospects and safety of employment are way down compared with just a year ago.
Around 35 percent of those asked by Lloyds TSB felt that their job was less secure now than it was last year. One in ten thought their prospects were actually better now than in 2007, though this figure is 40 percent down on last year, reflecting the changing attitudes of the nation.
Added to this downbeat view was the fact that there is also an expectation of increased inflation, with costs already soaring. The people of Britain would really like to say things are looking better but they are thwarted at every turn by the look of this Lloyds TSB information.