Abbey National is bringing a 10 year fixed rate mortgage to the market this week aimed at bringing peace of mind to buyers concerned about changing interest rates.
Recent studies have shown that longer period fixed rate mortgages are more popular with consumers, the 5 year versus 3 year fixed rate options proving this point very well. The move by Abbey National to bring in a 10 year fixed rate option is hoped to win more buyers over to the idea, especially as the interest rate is just 6.24 percent. There is an initial fee of GBP999 but this still represents excellent value whilst providing the security that homebuyers crave.
This longer period has impressed industry commentators too since it is expected that Abbey National mortgage customers taking out this option will not be left to face dramatically higher interest rates when the term ends, which is what is happening right now as the plethora of 2 year fixed rate mortgages come to an end.
The Abbey National announced rate cuts on some of its mortgage products at the weekend as well as bringing out two new fixed rate mortgage offers.
Some of the Abbey National two year tracker mortgages have seen rate reductions of up to 0.2 percent, with the lowest introductory rate now standing at 6.04 percent. One of the new mortgages offered by the Abbey is a 10 year fixed rate mortgage, with a lowest rate available of 6.25 percent.
An Abbey National spokesman explained that it was the strength the big high street name had in the mortgage market that made these rate cuts possible. The bank also feels that the 10 year fixed rate mortgage is going to prove very popular, combining as it does an attractive interest rate and a long fixed term period.
The Abbey National has today announced mortgage rate cuts on several of its home loan products, specifically the fixed rate and flexible mortgages.
All of the Abbey National flexible offset mortgages have had a rate cut of 0.2 percent, as have the five year fixed rate offers, while three year tracker mortgages have received a reduction of 0.1 percent. They have also stated that more reductions will follow, these being on the two year and three year fixed rate mortgages, where rates could come down by a quarter of 1 percent.
A spokesman for the Abbey National stated that they wanted to do the best they could for the customer, delivering the best possible deal whenever possible. It is also hoped that the cutting of rates across the market will stimulate activity in the housing market.