Sainsburys Bank Says Consider Full Cost Of Pet Ownership

Published: 5/21/2009

Sainsburys Bank has conducted a study into the cost of pet ownership to tie in with the pet insurance they offer. Findings show that owning a dog can take up around GBP9,000.

The figure quoted is the lifetime cost of ownership which includes the initial purchase of the dog as well as food, accessories vet bills and pet insurance. Sainsburys Bank also looked at the cost of owning a cat, which came in slightly lower at just over GBP7,000.

The survey also showed that pet insurance can actually reduce the overall cost of keeping a pet, since the survey included those without it who had to pay all vet bills themselves. Sainsburys Bank want all pet owners to consider the cost aspect of keeping an animal before going ahead to ensure both pet and owner have a long and pleasant relationship.