82 percent of households in Britain are changing their behaviour in response to rising costs and future economic concerns say Legal and General.
With Summer holidays topical right now it is revealing to see that over a quarter of households have changed their holiday plans because of their uncertainty about the future. Lots of people have also cut down on how often they go out, with nearly 40 percent of people saying they now spend more time at home.
One of the biggest concerns from the Legal and General survey was the fact that about half the households spoken to are cutting back on food in order to manage their finances, with over a quarter of them also looking at selling possessions in order to manage. Lets hope the government sees the survey and does something about it, starting with fuel taxation, something that affects the cost of everything in the UK.
The recent decision by the Bank of England to keep the base rate at 5 percent was as per expectations according to the Abbey National.
A spokesman from the Abbey National explained that the need to manage an economy that is slowing down meant it was highly unlikely to see the interest rate increased, since that would slow it further. The rise in inflation, up to 3 percent in April also meant that a rate reduction was not going to happen since that would further fuel the inflation rate.
Looking forwards the Abbey National feel there may be a cut in the interest rate later in the year, though it needs the inflation rate to be kept under control for that to happen.
Sitting down and watching BBC programme The Apprentice is proving to be an inspiration to many viewers to set out on their own.
A poll carried out by Direct Line revealed that nearly 20 percent of people have thought about setting up a specific business whilst watching the programme, with a further 12 percent feeling that they should take the step of becoming their own boss in some form of enterprise.
One of the biggest things that inspired these people to believe in themselves was the feeling that they could just as well, or better, than the people on the programme. This is a very positive stance to take, though a Direct Line spokeswoman did want to advise people that setting up in business is more complex and testing than it can appear on television.
Any wannabe Apprentice looking for a business bank account can compare rates at Moneygossip.co.uk